Divine Write Copywriting Forum

Internet Radio
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Author:  Wordwallah [ Tue Sep 23, 2008 3:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Internet Radio

Hi Glenn,

I listen to internet radio in i-Tunes, but not the ones listed in i-Tunes cos I don't like any of them. Go to Shoutcast.com, type in the genre you like, then pick the radio stations from there. Open them in i-Tunes then save them in their own Playlist (so you don't have to wade through all the other crap to get to them).

Check the bitrate before choosing. The higher the bitrate, the better the quality. If you're ADSL 128 KBPS is good. I find anything higher starts to cause dropouts.

The great thing about internet radio is you get the music you like with little or no talking and advertising.

My recommendations
Groove Salad

The Space Station
Meditation-FM and Yoga-FM

Some of the music on the ambient stations listed above have percussion, so if you want music to meditate to or sleep to, try Nirvana Radio - no percussion, just pure bliss music. I have this playing right through the night and get a very serene sleep.

Cheers, Mike

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