Divine Write Copywriting Forum

Crash and burn
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Author:  CLICKsharron [ Tue Mar 09, 2010 4:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Crash and burn

Hi all
Beginning of February I began a project for a new client and we are still in progress. I accepted a heavy discount on my usual rates because there was a lot of work i.e., two websites and seven brochures. I was trying to build a long-term relationship. This person has turned out to be the client from hell for these reasons:
• English is not his first language and it has been hard to decipher his writing and terminology.
• I stipulated my payment terms. One that I will charge per item i.e., per website etc at 50% deposit and balance before handover. I also stated I would not continue with the next project until the prior project had been paid. He agreed but since then I have been chasing my tail to get the money while sticking to my guns. This has made the project drag out.
• He has added more pages to the original website but does not want to pay for it.
• Some of the things he wants me to copy off a similar product – not word for word obviously as that would infringe copyright – but is that normal.
• Now I’ve got two weeks to finish seven brochures and I’m feeling like a used dishcloth. My heart has gone out of the project.

Any words of advice? Please don't give me a beating over this because I am feeling rather fragile at the moment.
Thanks in advance.

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